Job seeking tips for the contract project manager

Job seeking tips for the contract project manager

Being a contract worker, regardless of which industry or field of expertise you are in, requires different job hunting tactics than those employed by conventional employees. If you’re on the lookout for your next senior project manager role, here are a few tips...
Do you really need a job description to source a project manager?

Do you really need a job description to source a project manager?

If you’re looking for a project manager to take the reins of your next major assignment, you’ll want to find one with the exact skills, experience and expertise you’re after. Traditionally the way to go about this was to head to a recruitment agency...
Oxford study highlights benefits of project management network model

Oxford study highlights benefits of project management network model

If you're looking for a contract project manager, you may have wondered what the best method was for sourcing your next project management professional. Is it more effective to cast a wide net and tap into the many contacts available at a traditional recruitment...