
If you’re looking for a project manager to take the reins of your next major assignment, you’ll want to find one with the exact skills, experience and expertise you’re after.

Traditionally the way to go about this was to head to a recruitment agency and work with them to write up a job description outlining your specific requirements. However, is this still a relevant tactic, and do job descriptions even work?

Hiring managers are increasingly condemning traditional job descriptions as useless for a number of reasons. For one, many descriptions tend to be misleading and either provide insufficient detail about the job itself or convey a false idea of the work involved. Candidates are aware of this, and many are put off by unclear job advertisements.

Another issue is that while a job description can help you find a candidate with the tangible skills and qualifications required, there is no way to review factors such as their attitude, work ethic and how they will fit within your organisation. A job advertisement doesn’t allow you to gauge how a candidate will actually perform on the job.

There is also the notion that a truly talented candidate won’t be searching for their next job by reading job descriptions anyway. In fact, the most talented project managers in Australia today are sourcing work through alternate methods – such as a project management network.

EDGE PLUS, an example of such a network, eliminates the need for job descriptions and instead relies entirely on word-of-mouth referrals to match project managers with hiring managers. Only experienced professionals who have been thoroughly vetted by industry experts are invited to join the exclusive network, meaning you’ll have ready access to the credible, qualified talent you seek.
