
Femeconomy has partnered with The 30% Club and leading Australian Board Directors to develop a Gender Equality Procurement Toolkit, to support organisations to implement procurement strategies that create gender equality across their supply chains, and foster ethical supply practices.



Companies with gender balanced leadership are more profitable and more likely to progress gender equality initiatives. The Edelman Trust Barometer research shows 73% of people believe a company can take actions that both increase profits and improve economic and social conditions in the community where it operates. Procurement can be a vehicle to create social impact.


Putting in place and communicating supplier diversity and gender equality programs externally builds trust both with local communities, and with stakeholders more broadly, as organisations are increasingly held to account for their social impact.

Corporate Directors and CEOs are operating in environments of increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.

Increased diversity of thought, leadership and decision making is required to confront escalating stakeholder demands for social license to operate and sustainable gender equality improvements. Recent legislative changes reflect growing community expectations that organisational supply chains are ethical, transparent and inclusive.

Creating Gender Equality through Procurement Toolkit

A cohort of leading Australian Directors was engaged to elicit thought leadership on gender equality procurement principles through a Roundtable discussion in Sydney during November 2019.

A focus was to identify the enablers and risks to organisations when introducing procurement strategies that create gender equality.

The outcome from the Roundtable was this Toolkit, as well as an example Gender Equality Procurement Policy, for organisations of any size. A practical roadmap for organisations to:

  • implement procurement strategies that create gender equality across their supply chains
  • foster ethical supply practices
  • promote long term organisational sustainability

READ MORE ……       The Toolkit

SOURCE: Posted by Jade Collins in Gender Equality

