If you're a hiring manager who is fed up with the delays and bureaucracy of recruitment agencies, you're not alone.
With a traditional agency, there just seems to be so many unnecessary steps and processes involved in sourcing just one project manager. Surely there must be a way to find the top contract talent for your next project without slogging through weeks of hard work?
A project management network is simply the quickest, most efficient way to land your next project manager. A recruitment agency usually goes through all of the following steps – none of which are required by EDGE PLUS.
1. Advertising
When you need a contract professional to take over an impending project, you're usually required to advertise the opening through a recruitment agency.
This involves determining the needs of the role, writing a detailed advertisement and relying on your agency to distribute it in the right channels.
Modern companies simply don't have the time to go through this lengthy process. By tapping into a professional network, there's no need to advertise – you already have access to a hand-picked selection of the best project managers in the country.
2. Processing CVs
It's the chore every recruiter dreads the most – sifting through stacks of CVs, some considerably worse than others – in an attempt to pick out the best of the bunch.
EDGE PLUS cuts out all that paperwork and guesswork as it collates only the most talented project managers, meaning you'll have a fair idea of their qualifications and expertise without having to explore their history.
3. Vetting and qualifying candidates
Remember a time when you had to call up previous employers and colleagues to confirm whether a candidate was really fit for the job?
All EDGE PLUS members have been thoroughly vetted and checked even before they join the network, meaning you're dealing with only the most consummate professionals in the business.