Our Charities

Break the bias support the cause

Featured Charities

As you know EDGE Plus recently announced our “support the cause” initiative , which is our commitment to eight leading charities that support female causes and issues. Fortnightly we will highlight two of the eight to share the purpose and importance of the work that each of these critical groups perform on behalf of the women’s communities.

Please share this with your hiring managers and remind that every time they on-board an EDGE Plus professional we will donate $250 to the charity of there choosing out of our partner pool.

Our Purpose
Making young women’s leadership and women’s housing our priority for gender equity in Australia.
We are unapologetically feminist. Our feminism informs everything we do – empowering women to actively transform power structures and advocate for equality.
We are intersectional and inclusive in our approach. We make sure that we are always respectful, and we are proud of the strength that comes through diversity. We are committed to First Nations recognition and reconciliation.
We foster and encourage courageous ideas and bold leadership. We challenge ourselves to evolve and expand our impact across a broad range of gender equality issues.

White Ribbon Australia is a not-for-profit organisation that works through a primary prevention approach in schools, workplaces, and communities across Australia.

Through our programs and campaigns, we engage with men to be part of the social change needed to prevent men’s violence against women. Our Vision A nation that respects women, in which every woman lives in safety, free from all forms of men’s abuse.

Our Purpose Engaging men to make women’s safety a man’s issue. White Ribbon Australia operates in collaboration with, and alongside, many other organisations working to end men’s violence against women. Our focus and strength is in mobilising men and communities to end men’s violence against women.

Existing services cannot meet the demand for crisis accommodation for women who are homeless. More than one in two women across Australia who seek a bed in a crisis shelter are turned away every night, mostly due to a lack of space. And these are just the ones who find out they can ask for a safe place to go.

Women’s Community Shelters works with communities to establish new shelters, which provide short term emergency accommodation and support in a safe environment that enables homeless women to rebuild self-esteem and achieve control and fulfilment of their lives.
For a woman to get out of the situation she faces, she needs a range of support services, not just help finding affordable housing. These include access to counselling, health care, assistance to navigate government bureaucracy, legal help, further education and employment to reestablish control over her life.

At a time of reduced government spending, Women’s Community Shelters offers a new and ground-breaking ‘tri-partite’ funding model in which Government, philanthropy/business and community all work to provide funding to establish and operate shelters.
In addition, WCS brings expertise in governance, intellectual property, professional development and project management support to communities looking to establish new shelters. With a strong and experienced Board and a highly professional team, WCS is focused on supporting each shelter to develop best practice and achieve positive individual outcomes for the women staying at the shelters, while remaining cost efficient.

Providing women from all walks of life with dignity and respect across Australia. Through the personal distribution of fundamental necessities such as bras, underwear, toiletries and personal hygiene products that support and nurture their sense of dignity and wellbeing. We rely on the support of volunteers, donations and corporate partnerships

NURTURE : Self belief and empowerment of all women
OPPORTUNITY : provide all women with the opportunity to thrive in a safe environment
UPHOLD : our values and always have a focus on the betterment of women
RESPECT : for our colleagues, our clients and our business
INSPIRE : all those around and be the woman everyone wants to work with
SERVICE : to our clients, our suppliers, our communities and to ourselves
HUMBLENESS : in everything we do

We believe that everyone deserves to be afforded the dignity in life so many of us take for granted.


Our work directly benefits those in crisis experiencing period poverty.

Share the Dignity was founded in 2015 after it was identified that there was a genuine need to provide vulnerable women in our community with essential sanitary products. It was reported that these women are often forced to choose between buying food to eat or buying expensive sanitary items to get through their periods. Women and children, either homeless or in shelters, were having to clean themselves in public toilets and use paper towels to create makeshift period pads. This is not and should never be okay.

Dress for Success Sydney is a registered charity that improves the employability of disadvantaged women in NSW. This is achieved by providing, free of charge, professional clothing, a network of support, coaching and career development tools to help women achieve self-sufficiency. We welcome transgender women and non-binary people comfortable in women’s spaces.

Styling & Clothing
We provide a one on one styling and presentation skills service for women looking to enter the workforce. We also provide free, corporate attire to ensure our clients look their best at their job interview, the first week at work or other general clothing needs.

Career Support Program
• Resume writing skills
• Interview skills
• Workshops to improve employability
• Workshops to improve confidence

We have local HR Specialists who provide one on one support for women needing assistance with resume writing and interview skills. We facilitate mock interviews to ensure our participants gain the confidence and skills they need to perform at their best at their upcoming interviews.


The National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) is Australia’s leading national body funding game-changing breast cancer research with money raised entirely by the Australian public. We receive no government funding. What we do, would not be possible without the support and generosity of people and organisations like YOU. Our vision is simple: Zero Deaths from breast cancer. How? By identifying, funding and championing world-class research – research that will help us detect tumours earlier, improve treatment outcomes, and ultimately – save lives.

Since 1994, NBCF has invested around $200M into nearly 600 world-class research projects. In this time, 5 year breast cancer survival rates have improved from 76% to 91%. It’s proof that our strategy of funding targeted breast cancer research is working. But the job’s not done. Our determined mission remains: zero deaths from breast cancer.