The dynamic, ever-changing nature of businesses today means hiring managers need a quick and efficient way of finding the top project managers for contract work.
While recruitment agencies have traditionally been the go-to solution for sourcing these contract professionals, they are becoming increasingly incapable of meeting the growing demands of hiring managers in a timely manner. Instead, professional networks are proving to be a more reliable method of finding the right talent for a job.
So what exactly does a project management network such as EDGE PLUS offer that traditional recruitment firms simply don't?
A referral system
Enlisting the services of a recruitment agency and waiting for them to trawl through piles of CVs – only to find a project manager that isn't suitably qualified for the needs of your business – is a thing of the past.
A specialist network such as EDGE PLUS instead works on a system based entirely on referrals, where only the most trusted project managers in the country are referred to suitable openings in their fields of expertise.
This means you are dealing with a much more targeted candidate pool than with a recruitment agency, allowing you to find the person you need for the job in no time.
Only the best in the business
Membership to EDGE PLUS is only open to the most high-level and senior project managers.
EDGE PLUS once again has the 'edge' over recruitment agencies, as it has a better understanding of what hiring managers are looking for in contractors and therefore only sources the most experienced professionals in the field.
A private, closed network
Instead of opening up its services to anyone who applies, as with traditional agencies, EDGE PLUS comprises a closed network which members join by invitation only.
That means you have exclusive access to the best project management talent, instead of having to compete with other companies to land a top project manager.