7 Habits of Highly Funny Project Managers

7 Habits of Highly Funny Project Managers

Why are there people who are funnier than the rest of us? What makes them different?  Oh sure, some people are just born funny.  Some just have a natural way of saying things that’s funny. Some may look funny while others talk funny. After twenty plus years of...
75% of Cross-Functional Teams are Dysfunctional

75% of Cross-Functional Teams are Dysfunctional

When I was in the midst of researching what caused cross-functional teams to succeed — and finding that many of them failed — I discovered a deeply dysfunctional development project in a huge multinational IT company. The company had invested $100 million in the...
How to Keep Support for Your Project from Evaporating

How to Keep Support for Your Project from Evaporating

Even years later, I still consider it my biggest professional failure: a company-wide employee training program that I’d developed and put through several rounds of vetting was shot down at the last minute. It was a painful surprise, and it changed the way I’ve sought...
Two Digital Myths That Trip Up The C-Suite

Two Digital Myths That Trip Up The C-Suite

Most executives I talk to understand very well that digital technologies are permeating nearly every function of nearly every business. And yet many fall prey to two harmful myths. Myth #1: You will die without a digital strategy. This myth is generally accompanied by...